Frequently asked questions.
How can I place an order?
There are three ways to place an order with us.
You can place an order by checking out through the website by adding an item to your cart and adding any details needed for your customization before checking out.
You can send an email to and inquire about placing an order.
You can message us or comment on a post on our Facebook Page and let us know what you would like to order.
If you are wanting to ask for a completely custom item to be created or you need a quote for bulk orders, you will need to use options 2 or 3 so we can best serve your needs!
Do you offer shipping?
Shipping is offered for all of our items that are considered small or medium in size. These are generally the size of our door hangers and trays or smaller. The cost of shipping is $7.00 or free if you spend $80+ and use code FREESHIP. You also have the option at checkout to choose pickup or delivery if you live within 20 miles of Germantown Hills.
*If you would like to have a larger item shipped to you, we can get you a quote for that cost on an individual basis. It will not apply to the FREESHIP code option.
Where are you located for pickup or delivery?
We are located in Germantown Hills, IL. We offer free drop off delivery within 20 miles of Germantown Hills or a pickup option from our home, if you prefer.
Pickup/Delivery Policies:
Pickup or delivery should be scheduled within 2 weeks of project completion.
You may be asked to make a 50% down payment on your item at the time of ordering if it is custom and $50+ in value. This is to cover the cost of the materials and will be applied to your overall purchase when you do pickup.
If there is a reason why you cannot complete your delivery/pickup within 2 weeks (sudden illness, vacation, etc.) please let me know as soon as possible and Iām happy to extend the time for pickup and take your remaining payment via card. Please know that as much as I want to make every customer happy, I do have to pay for custom order materials out of pocket and need to ensure that they are sold in a timely manner!
What is your policy on returns?
CANCELLATIONS - I accept cancellations within 6 hours from the time you place your order, whether it be through the website, over email, or through FaceBook.
RETURNS & EXCHANGES - Due to the nature of these handmade to order items, I don't accept returns, exchanges or refund requests.
DAMAGED & WRONG ITEM - Please check your package immediately once it arrives. Take a photograph of the damaged or wrong item with the packaging and contact me immediately. I will work to get your item replaced or exchanged ASAP. Please message me asap if you have any quality or shipping issues, because I am 100% committed to making sure your items arrive to you safely.